Online violin lessons
and viola lessons
How to do

I help violin & viola players play freely, without pain, injuries and stage fright

I've decided to offer online violin lessons and viola lessons. This is because several people who read some pages on this website about how to eliminate tendonitis, tensions and aches and pains caused by violin and viola playing, how to eliminate stage fright and improve their tone, were interested in having lessons but they were too far away from me.

My teaching is based on the Havas New Approach to string playing developed by Kató Havas. Please, read as much as you can about it on this website, I've written many pages, so you'll be ready to book your 6 lesson (2 hours each) or 12 lesson (1 hour each) course.

I offer a 12 lesson course, because having just a one-off lesson doesn't make much sense, what can you really learn? I expect to teach and help players who understand what is different and special about the Havas New Approach that I teach and are motivated to make a change in their playing and their lives. Therefore, I recommend you to, at least, read Stage fright or watch the teaching DVD.

How to do online violin lessons and viola lessons

It is really possible to organize online lessons and not difficult at all, I've been experimenting for a while and it works.

What you need:

  • a computer or laptop: check that it meets the minimum requirements for the following
  • internet connection (broadband is better): anyway, check that it meets the minimum requirements for the skype connection to make video calls
  • skype connection: skype is a free software that enables you to connect from computer to computer, anywhere in the world, without paying. You need to download the software and install it, register with your name etc. Once you are registered, it is possible to search for and contact other registered people; contact me (my user name is monicacuneo) specifying that it is for your online violin lessons or viola lessons
  • microphone: it's likely that your computer has a built-in microphone, but often the sound quality is not very good; it's better to buy an external one and plug it into your computer, they are often sold together with the video camera and sometimes with headphones
  • video camera: it's easy to find cheap ones on sale, specifically for the use over the Internet (check they mention skype or voip)


I'm offering up to 30 minutes free online violin lessons or viola lessons to set up everything the first time. You'll receive your own personalized live online music lessons, not like those recorded videos of online violin lessons that you can find, but where you can't ask any questions. In my case, it's exactly like having a face to face private lesson, but you can have it without leaving your home, wherever you are, you don't have to travel from the other side of the world (only, check the time!).

Book a call to talk about your online lessons

Oxford, UK

Kato Havas with Monica Cuneo when the translation of her book Stage Fright was published in Italy

This is me with Kato Havas when my translation of her book
Stage Fright was published in Italy

The Oxford Times published an article on a New Approach workshop by Monica Cuneo

The Oxford Times published an article on a New Approach workshop

I summarize it here: many musicians of all levels and styles, especially the professionals, live a miserable life because of aches and pains and even tendonitis in their arms, neck, shoulders, back, wrists, hands, carpal tunnel syndrome etc.; many stop playing and start again, some even undergo operations and then give up playing altogether, not to mention the emotional tension so common...

Or beginners have to suffer for months or years the torture of that horrible "beginner sound" (I'd rather call it "noise") and inflict this torture on their family and neighbours.

But this shouldn't really be so, because you could eliminate all these nuisances that afflict players, by knowing the natural movements to do while playing, using your body in the most natural way as possible. This could help you improve your tone, increase your ease, your agility in playing, also by heart, eliminate the insecurity and therefore the anxiety, the stage fright.



The New Approach principles can be learned and applied by everybody, especially violinists and violists, either teachers, students, professionals or amateurs. The New Approach principles can also be applied to other instruments. They are not just for classical players, but also for fiddle players so I can offer online violin and fiddle lessons and for players of any other style.

I help violin & viola players play freely, without pain, injuries and stage fright.
For more information and to book your lessons click here

To learn more about the Havas New Approach:

Buy the teaching DVD: causes and cures of physical injuries and nerves

Videos of a workshop by Kató Havas

Violin and viola books

Kato Havas books in other languages

Organize a workshop

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Comments on my violin lessons 
Hi I am an adult violinist who always wanted that beautiful sound but no lessons or methods seemed to help. I discovered Kato only last year and realised …

For more information and for lessons:

call Monica Cuneo, mob. (+44) 7985 025129 or skype: monicacuneo or send a message

Monica Cuneo helps violin & viola players play free from pain, injuries and stage fright

I help violin & viola players play freely, without pain, injuries and stage fright.
Click here to learn how

Sheet Music Plus Easy Rebates

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Tips to play more easily!
and get FREE the famous
Rules for a Musical Life
of a great composer!
Find out how to play more easily by eliminating what is unnecessary! and also receive for FREE the famous Rules for a Musical Life of a great composer> that can serve as an inspiration! width: 161px; height: 200px;

Monica Cuneo helps violin & viola players play free from pain, injuries and stage fright

I help violin & viola players play freely, without pain, injuries and stage fright.
Click here to learn how

Havas New Approach
Teaching DVD
on the causes and cures of physical injuries in violin and viola playing

Havas New Approach teaching DVD. How to eliminate physical tensions and stage fright related to string playing, violin and viola in particular

With detailed exercises on the release of tension and performance anxiety

Online violin lessons and viola lessons will be based on the Havas New Approach to string playing

Shoulder rest or not?

Recommended readings

Some comments about my viola and violin teaching from my pupils

Articles on Kato Havas and the New Approach

Articles on Kato Havas

Recommended readings to eliminate physical injuries and stage fright

Click on them to read each book's description

I translated them into Italian,
you can see them here

Stage fright
Its causes and cures

A New Approach to violin playing

A New Approach
to violin playing

The twelve lesson course by Kato Havas

The twelve lesson

Caroline Duffner, Kato Havas, Monica Cuneo after a concert

"I have every confidence that Caroline Duffner, violin, and Monica Cuneo, viola, can continue my Summer School at
St. Edmund's Hall, Oxford.

Both have studied with me many years and are very experienced New Approach teachers as well as accomplished performers.
Kato Havas"