Rules for a musical life

by Robert Schumann

On the occasion of these Christmas holidays I want to offer you my best wishes and a musical gift. May it serve you as inspiration for your musical activities for many years.

It is the Rules for a Musical Life, by Robert Schumann, written in 1848 and published as an appendix to his collection of piano pieces Album for the youth. They are a series of suggestions originally intended for piano students but are perfectly suitable for all musicians of any age, level and musical genre, student or otherwise, excellent food for thought on how to develop one's musicality.

The document is designed to be printed on an A3 sheet (29.7 x 42 cm) and thus becomes a nice poster to frame and hang.

You can also use it as a gift to all your relatives, colleagues, friends, students, teachers, your school or anyone with an interest and passion for music. I only ask you not to make any changes to it.

Click here with the left button to see and with the right button to download the Rules for a musical life, by Robert Schumann.

Other recommended readings

Kató Havas book Stage Fright (the first and original book ever written on this!) focuses on this aspect, a serious problem that most violin & viola players experience, offering effective solutions
Kató Havas book Stage Fright (the first and original book ever written on this!) focuses on this aspect, a serious problem that most to violin & viola players experience, offering effective solutions

This book too received a very positive comment from Yehudi Menuhin.

"Dear Kató Havas, I would like to... congratulate you on your book "Stage fright" ... It is the most realistic and practical approach imaginable.... it should be worth its weight in gold to every student and many a performer.
Sir Yehudi Menuhin

Buy Kato Havas' books      Buy the teaching video - DVD

Kató Havas book Stage Fright (the first and original book ever written on this!) focuses on this aspect, a serious problem that most violin & viola players experience, offering effective solutions

Kató Havas and I when the Italian version
of the book Stage Fright was published

Books by Kató Havas, here they are:

Stage fright - Causes and cures
How to overcome paralyzing nerves and play freely

A new approach to violin playing
The first book published. It talks about playing using the natural, fundamental balances of the body, which prevent and eliminate physical tensions, tendonitis, stage fright

The 12 lesson course in A New Approach to violin playing
The New Approach organised in 12 lessons, with practical exercises and pieces to play as a pupil-teacher duo. For beginners and advanced players as well

The violin and I
Kató Havas' autobiography, with the story of how the New Approach came to life and the correspondence, which went on for years, among readers on The Strad magazine

Book a twelve lesson course with me

Buy Kato Havas books
Buy the teaching DVD
Go to Kato Havas (with videos of a workshop)
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Go to Violin and viola teacher
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Monica Cuneo helps violin & viola players play free from pain, injuries and stage fright

I help violin & viola players play freely, without pain, injuries and stage fright.
Click here to learn how

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